Growing Up- Staying True too You

I can’t help but think of the past sometimes. I don’t know what it is about growing up, that is so hard. I know that it is necessary, and it is a good thing. God talks about boys becoming men and becoming more wise and same with girls becoming women, but for some reason it is hard. You might be asking yourself, now where did this come from? Let me tell you.


If you know me well you know that anytime I think of the past or the memories of the past, I get all choked up and usually feel like crying a river of tears. So, lately I have seen a bunch of photos of church camp and honestly it is hard. I am reminded of all the amazing things God has done during the week of youth camp, but I am also reminded of the fact that I am not a student anymore and this will be the first year in a very long time that I won’t be going. For most people this wouldn’t be a big deal, but for me its truthfully hard. It is always pictures or videos too that get me all choked up, I usually don’t just think of these things until I see a picture. Go figure, right? The guy who loves photography and videography is the one who gets all choked up when he sees a picture. This seems like a super sad blog, but I guarantee you that it is more than that.


Now, how does any of this help me with my relationship with Christ? Actually, it is fuel for me. Even though these things make me sad and make me miss the good ole days, I am encouraged and also reminded how Great God is. The things I have learned and the relationships I have built through these awesome memories will help me every day. So, yeah, I am not going to camp this year, but that doesn’t matter because when one chapter ends another begins. I don’t ever think I will forget the memories of the past and really, I shouldn’t because it was all part of Gods plan for my life.


I want to encourage everyone to remember, remember the memories of the past and remember all the things that Christ has done for you. We so often forget. I truly believe we all need to remember that kid, the kid that we were. It seems that when we grow up we start changing and we become someone else and I plead to you today to remember who Christ made you too be. For me that is by reminding myself who I was as a kid. Yes, I need to mature and yes, I should strive to become more wise, but I shouldn’t change and become like someone else. Growing up is inevitable and becoming more mature and wise is important, but changing YOU is completely unnecessary.

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