Keep Fighting Friend

Do you feel like giving up? Like there is no light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe you are dealing with lots of weight from the situations of life you are in. What is the point of fighting when it feels hopeless? Well keep fighting friend!

Fighting the Seemingly Impossible

I sit here on a Saturday night at 8, thinking to myself…. what a better time to write a blog post! The truth is I have to write this, because I believe a lot of you including myself could use some encouragement.

To try and know what each of you are going through would be impossible. But if you like me have this weight that is too heavy, crushing down on you, then you need to know that there is HOPE! If I am being completely honest with you all, I don’t have some script for this or any particular bible verses. I’m just writing this!

Lately, there have been many situations in my life that have caused me to sit back and ask God, should I keep fighting? Should I move forward? The truth is, I am scared to do that! I easily let my past hold me back from saying yes to God. Sometimes I lay in my bed and just look up at the dark ceiling and wonder why? What is the point of the things that are happening and the decisions I am faced with? Then I am reminded of Matthew 11:28-30, that I can go to Christ and lay all my weight and fear on Him and He will carry it!

Look to God

My encouragement to you and my plea is don’t stop fighting!

Life is full of so many challenges and hardships. But every day the Lord blesses us with another breath to live is a day to Glorify and tell others about Him. Wherever you find yourself today, know that there truly is light in this darkness. But it is only found in Christ!

I am not exactly sure why, but one thing God has been reminding me of a lot lately is to keep getting back up! I know my natural response would to be to surrender and stay down. But by God’s strength I keep getting up. And that is what I want to share with you all. God is our source of strength! And you may find yourself in a place where the easiest answer is to stop fighting. DON’T!!! Look to God for everything. Please it is the one thing I beg of you to do! I have run to so many other things when God says I am here. Those other things only brought me a momentary happiness. Then instantly all the weight came rushing back.

It is Good News

It is the Good News that keeps me running every day! Because it is Christ who freed me from my bondage to sin. He sent His Son to pay the price we deserved. He shed His blood there on the cross. This is why I can’t ever give up! Christ gave me New Life and each day I walk on this earth is a blessing and I pray that this is something you all recognize.

One thing I want to clarify is that first and foremost, we must keep getting up and fighting because this big world we live in needs to hear the Good News. Sometimes we neglect the most important thing and that is Christ! I know for me the weight begins to weigh more when I forget to look to Him! And the truth is, it isn’t always that easy. Well at least for me! But it changes everything. It was the King of the Universe who formed us, just like the Psalmist said. If there is one, we should look to first and trust most it is Him!

Don’t Stop Fighting

So, I will ask this again, do you feel lots of weight in your life and maybe don’t know what you are supposed to do?

You aren’t alone!

I won’t stop fighting though… I can’t! I only hope and pray that you won’t either. But you must first look to God and trust that He is working all things out for His Glory and your good. Right now, things may not make sense, but He will always come through. Because He loves you, so much that He sent His Son to die for us, sinners! And even though we deserved to die, He bore the curse of our sin so that we might be freed!

We can walk into each day knowing this and living for Him above all other things. So, I am sure this whole blog is quite jumbled up and confusing. My hope and prayer is that those who need to hear this will hear it. Not my words but the truth of the Gospel and His Word!

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