Behind Enemy Lines Why Am I A Target?
Behind enemy lines, is this a place you find yourself? If you were to ask me what it’s like to have the biggest target on my back, I would say bluntly, it sucks! Not only does Satan enjoy taking aim at my target, but it seems like “everyone” around me uses me as target practice! Honestly, most of the time I don’t blame them. I’m not fully confident how I created this target, but writing is the only way I know how to express what is happening! I have been trying so hard to smile and be joyful, but I constantly keep finding myself “behind enemy lines.”
Satan Lies and Warfare
What are the biggest lies the enemy or people have made you believe? This is hard to share, but I have a couple! First, Satan has continuously made me believe that God looks at me and sees a disgrace! I’m confident there is not one human who feels like a complete failure on the level in which I do. Secondly, (and this one has been eating me alive lately) is the lie that my friends are just my friends because they feel bad for me! I often wonder why any of them want me as their friend. Is it because everyone needs that one friend who is easy to make fun of, but who will seemingly never get angry about it? Or is it because I truly mean something to you? I long to be cared for as a friend, not used as a friend!
BE Just BE
I recently wrote this short blip called BE and would like to share it with you.
BE who God made you to be
BE the Man He calls you to be
BE the smile in the room
BE the Kind and Caring one
BE the thoughtful one
BE the Servant
BE the obedient child
BE the loving brother
BE the friend who is unlike any other friend
Always BE, don’t not be!
Time to Escape
How am I supposed to escape from behind enemy lines now? I’ve found myself in a place that feels like…well, a dark cold room, in an enemy camp! It really isn’t any fun and fighting against it with joy is mentally exhausting. Ultimately, I know I must trust Christ! He is able to destroy these lies, He is able to free me from behind enemy lines and without Him I don’t know where I would be. I don’t know where any of you are in life, but here is a simple yet profound reminder for you! Words affect more powerfully than you can ever possibly imagine, BE MINDFUL and BE CAREFUL!