Don’t Forget!

I have countless times said how I don’t want to forget! I don’t want to forget who God made me to be or where I have come from! Seeing as I am writing about this you can probably figure out that the plan isn’t going great. I know many of you would think the opposite, but it is true I have forgotten who I am! I am writing this as a plea to all of you to not forget. There is a point in this journey where instead of joy you feel lost.

The other day I was looking at an old picture of my family. I looked deep into the eyes of my younger self and asked myself, where have you gone? Young Zach was full of life, he loved to learn, he wasn’t ever afraid of being himself! Now I’m in a battle each day, I forgot how to learn, and I’m terrified of being authentic! Those who have known me for the longest time wonder where that kid went. Don’t get me wrong there are flashes of that kid, but that is about it, JUST FLASHES. What is going on you may ask? The dumb answer would be life, but for me it is much deeper.

There is this thing called a brain, we all have one! Mine seems to be a little bit different then most. Now of course I could never factually blame my brain for what is going on. However, if you know me you know that there is a web of sensitive nerves everywhere in my head. Also, side note, I have become oddly curious about the time I cracked my head open…a little! I’m pretty sure it didn’t do anything, but who knows! All of this being said, the one thing that has greatly affected me are WORDS! Of the gazillion words I’ve heard, I have likely processed each one very different then you. What I can say is be careful what you say, because it can hurt more than you think.

Where is Christ in all of this? Well, He has faithfully stood by my side through everything! All the time He reminds me of who He is, which in turn reminds me who I am. I can’t say that tomorrow everything is going to be better, but what I can say is that God will never forget you. It is an uphill battle, life, and we must never forget our roots. Better yet we must never forget the ONE who loves us MOST! It is in Him that we can find our true rest!

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