We Must Read His Word

Christians, do you ever find yourself going a day or even more without reading your bible? Can you see the effects it has on you and your whole attitude? Or maybe you don’t realize anything is wrong with it. I am here speaking as one who is really gaining a real understanding of why it is so important to get into Gods Word. I want to get into some of the reasons it’s so important and my own personal experience on this particular subject.


First things first, why do we as Christians read the Bible? Well for one we are told too in Gods Word. It is a guide for us and is profitable to us, as 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 states,” All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work”. The bible is breathed out by God is something that is crazy too me, the fact that from beginning to end, from Genesis to Revelation, God breathed every single one of those books out. I imagine you might be wondering what case I am making for all Christians to open there bibles daily and read, don’t miss this, WE ARE TOLD TOO. It is profitable for us to know the things that the bible teaches. And I want to continue writing so that I can unpack those things.


Secondly, over the past few weeks I have really begun to understand the importance of reading the bible. Disclaimer, I am not perfect, okay so I have over my lifetime missed more days without opening Gods Word than I can even begin to count. What’s funny and so very sad is that it has taken me this long to truly realize how important it is. My day without reading my bible usually consists of me having a bad attitude, being less loving too all those around me, quick tempered, mean, less joyful, not kind, honestly this list could go on and on without not one good thing. Now on the flip side my days that I do open Gods Word are essentially the complete opposite of what I just said. Every day I must ask myself which one of these two I prefer or would rather have.


You might find yourself stuck in the motions of life saying you don’t have time for the bible and guess what that is just the worst excuse you could ever come up with, but that is something I used to tell myself and I don’t want anyone to make the same mistake I did. So when you wake up instead of looking at your phone or watching tv or whatever it is you do in the morning open your bible and read. Maybe you need to take your bible to work and during your lunch break you read it. Honestly, I don’t know what it is you need to give up or what time it is for you that you need to read Gods Word. Let this be my prayer and plea for you all today, DON’T GO WITHOUT HIS WORD.


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