God is Good, Always!

God is Good, is He not? No matter how much pain you might be going through or even when we are disobedient towards Him, He Always comes through and loves us more than we can imagine. I don’t know exactly why, but God has made Himself very evident in my life as of late, whether it be through God the Father, Jesus the Son or the Holy Spirit. I know God is at work in my life. Some of the Greatest News you and I need to hear is the truth that God is Good ALL of the time and He is ALWAYS at work around us. In each of our situations He is working His plan out. It has taken me a solid 20 years to finally realize this. I should say that it wasn’t that I didn’t see Gods Goodness before, it is more the fact that lately He has shown me in a completely beautiful and new way. I first want to show how God uses His Word and the powerful stories in His Word to help us.


I am going to name some characters from the Bible and I want you to tell me what the reoccurring theme is with each story. Noah, Abraham, Job, Moses, the Israelites, Rahab, David, Paul, and all the disciples. Alright, so what about all these people’s stories is constant? The duh answer is Gods Goodness, but I want to dig deeper into that Goodness. Part of Gods Goodness is the truth that He is Always with us. Some of the most powerful words in the Bible (and let’s be honest they are all powerful) are at the end of Matthew 28, where He says, “And behold I am with you, to the end of the age”. Most of us just hear the beginning part where we are commanded to Go and make disciples, but the weight of the end is what really gets me. What an amazing King we serve that He promises to be with us Always, no matter what we are going through. As humans we often equate Gods Goodness to how much He gives us, but Gods Goodness shines because of what He did for us. Don’t get me wrong, when God provides for us that is absolutely His goodness but think of the Greatest thing He has provided or given too you. I believe the Bible gives us the answer and it is not family, a car, a house, or even food. It is God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Each one plays a special role in our lives. The Father has orchestrated everything since the beginning and created both you and I. The Son was sent to pay the ultimate sacrifice that you and I deserved, and the Holy Spirit was given to us as our Helper. All three working together as One. Wow! What a magnificent display of Gods Goodness.


We all have our own stories of how we have seen Gods Goodness in our lives and I want to hear from you all about that. Some of the ways I have seen Gods Goodness in my life, and if I am being honest the stories go on and on. Most of the time I end up realizing that it was Gods Goodness showing way after it happened, that is until recently He has been showing me left and right. I, for now just want to share one story and it is one many know. My childhood was different, I was always a very joyous kid and loved people and was quite reserved and shy. My nights were however very different. Most of my nights growing up as a child consists of night terrors and nightmares. What most people fail to realize is that these things I grew up seeing as a child have completely impacted my life to this very day. No part of seeing death and pain as a kid was enjoyable. It took me a few years after the night terrors and nightmares died to finally realize that through every sleepless night and through every terrible image that showed up in my head and that I had to endure, My God remained Constant. When I was in the heat of this season of my life I found myself trying way too often by myself. It was the moment I let go and gave control over to Christ that my sleepless nights were turned into restful nights and the terrible images were turned into hopeful images. I still remember some of the night terrors that I had and even still to this day I as I am living my life will be hit with a hideous image that makes me hurt, but in those very moments of my life I close my eyes. Just for a second, long enough to remember that God is with me and that it will be okay. Every single one of us have had or will have times in our life where the only thing we know to say is why. As a human that is a completely normal response and it is ok to wonder why? We must remind ourselves that Christ paid the Ultimate sacrifice for us so that one day we will get to spend eternity with Him. God does a lot of Wow moments in all of life and sometimes we just need to keep our eyes open to see them. He has put some amazing people into my life that have impacted my life in ways they will never know and He has used others to do simple acts that make me…I believe that we all need to take a step back and look at our life and see the Good things God has and is doing in your life. I can’t claim to know what you are going through and whatever it is I just want you to remember that this dry season of your life where Hope isn’t exactly something that seems to be real, that it is. I hurt to see others hurting, but what I am learning is that I am hurting, and I need Jesus and I can’t be the one to fix the problems in others lives when the weight I am carrying is weighing me down.

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