O Lord, God of my salvation; I cry out day and night before you.
Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my cry!
Psalm 88:1-2
Phewwww!!!! Yeah who starts a blog post out that way other than yours truly, Mr. ZACH here. I am just going to be completely honest here for a few and I will probably repeat myself several times. What can I say my brain is moving in about a million different directions faster than the speed of sound. Anyways, over the past coupleish months I have come to the conclusion or realization that life is fragile. This thing isn’t the most enjoyable thing to think about, but it is inevitable. That is something I am having to learn to come to grips with, and for me it is just hard. Through this quote on quote realization there have been many moments of sadness and pain and also moments of joy. The reason behind that joy is that I understand where my hope is and that is in Christ. Yes, life is a hundred percent fragile and it is very hard and difficult sometimes, but the hope we can find in Christ far outweighs this fragility of life.
First, I want to share a little of my story and the reason I am writing about this. My life or better yet my brain has always been filled with hurt, and I am just calling it like it is. Growing up I would literally almost every night have night terrors and nightmares, so seeing death became a quick reality in my life. It has made life more challenging in more ways than one. So, taking this trauma of sorts I had as a kid and adding on all the other things that I have seen or heard through life, well honestly, it has weighed on me. A LOT! Part of me understands that many other people have been through so much more, (obviously what Christ went through was way worse) and the other part wonders if anybody actually understands what I am feeling on a day to day basis. I know people understand and I must continually remind myself that that I am not alone, when life is feeling fragile we must remind ourselves that God is with us and there are so many people who love you and are here for you.
These moments of hurt and pain I talk about are very real and cause all sorts of emotions to flood on out. However, it is in these times of life where we must trust God more than ever. It takes more faith and trust in Christ than I ever even imagined, but we must understand that ALL things work for good and for the Glory of the Lord. Something that you all (readers) don’t know, is that this blog has been written in chunks. I keep finding myself in these ruts. It is almost as if I am giving you a daily update on why life is so fragile, because apparently that is what I am being taught by God currently. I am sorry I keep talking about myself and all that I am going through, but honestly it is the best way right now that I know how to comfort those who are feeling similar. I am sure that I have already said this, but people all around, whether you look left or right, seem to be getting sick or even quick bad things happen to them. I’m just like, what is happening around me? One thing after another. This is something most of us have gone through in life and most of us hold it in, but here is the Amazing thing, there is this Savior who hears our cries for help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months and 365 days a year, well I guess I could have just said Always.
I want to get this one thing across to all, we all have times in our life where life seems to be falling apart, but if you would just give ALL control over to Christ, your life will be filled with more joy and comfort than you could possibly imagine. There might be people in my life who wonder how I can be so joyful through all of this and for one, it’s not fake. I’m not trying to put on a mask, on the contrary I am being fully me during these times. Yes, I am hurting, but I find my joy and peace in Christ. So, I will continue to be joyful and smile, I will continue to be real. If I need to cry I will cry, If I need to scream I will scream. If there is one thing I have learned it is that life is fragile, and I must cease each day as it may be my last, and I absolutely must Glorify God in All I Do!