The Battle Called Life and Seeking Christ

We all have our own weight or trauma that seems to hold us down through this battle I like to call life. I have my own and you have your own, but there are two things I believe in these moments of our life that we must do. The first and absolute most important one is that we have to seek Christ continually throughout. The second is the truth that God has put many people in your life and I believe it is important to surround ourselves with people who are first going to build us up and also who push us to have a stronger relationship with God. See, the truth is we are all hurting and in pain somehow, what that looks like for you is different and honestly unique too you. The Amazing News is that through whatever you are going through the Lord remains Steadfast. When I say traumas, I mean essentially the things that never seem too fade from our life that cause us hurt or pain or even confusion, physically or mentally. Also, when I talk about any of these things I refuse to downplay any of the trauma or weight you are carrying, because for each of us what we are going through is real and what seems small and petty to one might be very weighty for you. This particular topic is very important to me, because my brain is in a battle each and every day, and I know that many people would shrug what I deal with every day off, but for me its my reality and even though it weighs me down often, through all of this battle, Christ Alone is who I have. I want to first tell everyone who has this feeling that people around you don’t care what you are going through, know you aren’t alone. People are going to try and tell you that you are alone and you need to solve it on your own, but the Good News is that we aren’t, God is with us and He has put people in your life too help lift that weight and encourage you.


In all of this we have to seek Christ above everything else, no matter the cost. It has been in the hard times of my life, that I have realized that for one, All I truly need in the end is Christ and secondly, I have to run away from the things this world says will cure me. When I say we must seek the Lord, I don’t mean we need to just make sure we attend church most of the time or that we pray every once in a while, on the contrary, this is what I call motions Christianity. Seeking Christ fully means we have to pray fervently, be in His Word every single day, studying it with diligence, making sure we are with the body of believers to build up and encourage, also we in action of seeking God have to tell people the Good News we know and believe. There isn’t a day off from seeking the Lord, we should be pursuing Him Always. It is far too common these days for Christians to get swept up in the current this world has created. We need more believers who will put Christ first and Go as He calls us too. Right now, wherever it is, God is calling you too Seek Him and proclaim His name to All. God is calling you right now to be bold and to not fear, because it doesn’t matter how much pain we are in now, because the Hope and Truth that one day there will be no more pain and we will spend eternity with the One True King, far outweighs it.


You know what else is truly amazing? God has blessed you with some people who love and care about you more than you will probably ever know. It is no accident that God put these people in your life. I know in my life I sometimes am in awe of what God has done through some people in my life and even though I don’t have a thousand friends, (which doesn’t matter at all anyways) I have a few of the most amazing people I know and also the most loving family. One of the many reasons I LOVE these friends and family of mine is the fact that they push me and challenge me to be more. They don’t tell me what I want to hear, but they do tell me what I need to hear, The Truth. They are the ones who hold me up when I am hurting. We have to know that God has placed some people in our life for a purpose and that purpose could be anything really, we just have to be open to it. It is going to take us, letting people into the ugly part of our lives and building a trust with these people. These hurts, pains and traumas aren’t meant to go at alone. They are meant to first and most importantly given over to Christ and then we need to let others help us carry some weight, whether it be through simple act or through big acts. This battle called life is hard and a continual struggle, but please let us Seek Christ above all things and secondly lets strive to grow our relationships with the people who God has placed in our lives for a purpose. You are Loved and Cared for.

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